Saturday 4 August 2012

Origins, Traditional Uses, Cosmetic properties of using Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Although we cannot be completely sure of the origin, the Aloe Vera plant is often quoted as to probably originating from Arabia, Somalia or the Sudan regions. At presents the plant is found in almost all of the tropical and sub-tropical regions in the western hemisphere such as Central and South American. It is also found within regions in India, China, Africa, Australia and the Mediterranean.

Traditional Uses:
The earliest record of Aloe Vera is on a Sumerian tablet dating from 2100 BC. Aloe Vera usage is prevalent in writings from many ancient civilizations such as the ancient Greeks, Chinese, Romans, Indians and Egyptians. Ancient civilizations used Aloe Vera in their medicine and also their cosmetics. For example in the ancient Egyptian times Aloe Vera was used to treat catarrh, but was also reported to have been used by Cleopatra to soften her skin. As the plant was widely used, it was also greatly sought after. In fact Alexander the Great concurred Socroto purely to gain access to the land’s Aloe Vera in order to heal the wounds of his soldiers.

Cosmetic Properties and Uses:
Aloe Vera is currently widely prevalent within the cosmetic industry. The natural skin restoring properties of Aloe Vera make this plant extremely useful in products such as creams, lotions, rinses, soaps, therapeutic products and cosmetics. Aloe Vera gel, of which is actually the sap from Aloe Vera leaves is particularly popular. The properties of Aloe Vera gel such as being a natural emollient and it containing natural penetrating agents make it perfect for use in moisturizing creams for all skin types including those with dry and sensitive skins. The gel is also great for use in sunblocks as Aloe Vera gel is a natural protector from UV radiation, and also contains cooling and soothing properties to calm irritated skin.

Photo from wikipedia

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